Friday, August 24, 2007


1. steak
amg this is so cute DO YOU SEE THE DESIGN. ahahahha we have such creative minds this was thought of by our freelancer and MEEE HAHHAHAHA. the pink thing is the STEAK! and the brown plate is GRAVY! the red is :D :D :D eeheheh blood. AND THEN THE CUTLERY. HOHOHO SO KEWLZ right how many people think of this i ask you (let me hear it) NONE! YES! AHHAHAHAHAHHA. hoho. sooo its a stealmanz. you cant find it. and if you rip this imma rip you :D

2. imsocool.
this is like clump! only it has like what 30 beads and its much longer. hence the price. its really funky its FUSCHIA AND LIME HOHOHO. kinda :D
so yes, for all clump lovers out there :D
(once again by our freelancer and me :D)

3. glasshearts
its the one that went with the bracelet! only i made a remake so yes :D
what can i say.


7:50 PM

Thursday, August 23, 2007


amg this is like so nice DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I SPENT ON THIS THING. specially with exams and all! i used like 3 penguin charms per earring and 11 crystals per earring thats like 6 PENGUIN CHARMS AND 22 CRYSTALS! thats why its classier and hence more. super nice and classy manz! im really proud of it and i think its like one of my best pieces :D heehee.
closer look:
see aint it smoking! or cool since its green.
:D REMINDS ME OF MICHELLE CAUSE SHES SO DAMN PHOTOGENIC AND CURRENTLY IDOL FOUR HOHO. michelle with the headdresses and stuff parrots one. manz manz manz :D and cold ETIENNE SERIES SOLD
really cute, blue and orange hence hot and cold. penguins! penguins are so cute. can you imagine a hot penguin. heeheehee. okay nevermind. really cute gift anyway!
3. upsydaisy
those darling glass beads again! love them manz. this is kinda artsy cause its GLASS BEADS AGAIN I STRESS AHHAHA and the mismatchedness. :D :D (Freelancer and MEE)
4. ice in a globe
the little round things in the middle remind me of snowballs in like globe dome thingos! so cool right :D anyway NOTICE CRYSTALS IN THE STOMACH OF THE PENGUIN! eeheehee. loadsa crystals used in this too! 16 :O so its cheap okayz! (Freelancer and MEE)


4:52 AM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

HELLO! new designs that we created a long time ago, only didnt have time to post, exams darlings. one note: please dont advertise, ness(?) yes.

1. splash SOLD $12.50 (its actually with a pair of earrings, but i didnt get a photo sorry guys! try to remake and then yall can see :D
named it splash cause the glass beads has like splash paints on it! and it was the first bracelet to use them. super pretty beads used in this OKAY! :D :D was a request from stef for a hadlian so yeah. purple! hoho.

kewlx, can match with loadsa things! its a comb of gold AND silver which turned out good! :D


4:09 AM

Saturday, August 18, 2007

1. beads have diff sizes
class okay! this isnt a really good pic, sorry. really pretty :D thats all i have to say. hoho.


11:39 PM

Friday, August 17, 2007

dear darlings
from now on if you want remakes of anything that has been posted so far sold tell us before the 24th of AUGUST 2007. which is next friday. SORRY I CHANGED MY MIND, TMR, 20th august monday by 1pm. YES. dont forget. caaaaaaaaaaaaauuseee we wont be making anymore remakes of this stuff unless we are feeling cheery and happy, or possibly deluded. soooo. tell us quick or we will be grumpy heh. :D and all your remakes will cost ONE TWENTY EXTRA :O i know. be happy that for now remakes are free, cause so many of you are requesting remakes. hoho. BUT I STRESS THAT OUR OTHER DESIGNS ARE NICE TOO! and we cant remake if we dont have money, and we can get money by selling our stuffs only, so yes. if you want a remake it should be on your conscience to buy something else :D hoho. oh and please allow us two weeks to get the thing to you, exams are coming and we are waiting for our missing 4.0s to come back. so yes. but itll most likely by with you in a week since we cant resist and succumb to temptation to make this stuff. :D ahaha.
okayz. (amg keep talking in zs. so irritatingly ahlian D: D:)
7:21 PM

1. teachmehow SOLD
named in honour of linnettes sentence when i asked her what name this. :D ehehe.
anyway etienne and shynnz have just left after a hard days of work of this :D sooooo.

lightworks glass heart, candyish big pink stonebead, lightgreen plates, green crystal, two green beads, purple bead, pink plate, pink bead, glass lightworks flower bead. etcetc.
:D :D pinkish and greenish. floral! girlish. :D

as the name suggests, really candyish cause of the big pink stoneishbead.which IS SOOOOO PRETTY dontcha think! its like glassy and candylike

:D :D pink is cotton candy aha. anyway. prettypretty :D its basically a colour scheme of pinkness! seet, sugar, candyman!

girlish. :D niceeeee :D it LOOKS deceptively heavy but its not.

3.geog SOLD

i really like the pink and black and green and white :D SO KEWL. ahahhaa. the colour comb is NICE okay. kinda inspired by nano so yeah. i named it geog cause i remember playing with it in geog when we were watching the three gorges dam video clip.

4.what a girl wants SOLD

my brother gave me that idea :D see the charms! the heart is for LOVE. romance manz. like disney princes and princesses ahahahha. then the bags are for BAGS! cause any girl likes bags manz :D shoes for GLAMOUR or just shoes :D super kewl the high heels. and can you see the intricate designs on the charms! super nice lah. and the hats for STYLE like princess diana, cause she refused to wear ugly old hats that queen victoria stuffed on her HAHHA okay whatever. i hope im not gonna get arrested for treason. anyway. scissors cause EVERYONES SUICIDAL!! hahaha okay no. its for SMASHING HAIR. how to smash hair i do not know but yeah cool hairdos :D i think i will dye my hair red one day HAHA.

juts basically five charms :D but the chain and the charms did not come cheap, so yeah sorry for the prices guys.
for silver loving people. ETIENNE SERIES SOLD

its named mm cause were hoping someone will buy it :D mismatched and brown :D :D heeheehee. another one in the etienne series. apparently etiennes sticking to earrings. to the dismay of her fans D: (she was so cute in CLE today, which is weird. people of her height dont do cute)

6. soap
$3.40 (yes its cheap!)
AHAHA finally it looks sorta class if you see it live you know what i mean. anyway if youre in rg you can :D yeah, shawna's been having this obsession with class recently. THATS WHAT WE DO TO PROVIDE GOOD SERVICES : D

its got two sides to it so im showing you both :D SOMEONE made it! SURPRISING EH. super pretty and in shiyins words LIKE GISELE. ahaha :D really beautiful looks better in life manz. :D EVEN A HINT OF CLASS when it sparkles :D with its green and blueish charm, IT DRAWS YOU IN. and I THINK its already attained class level liao :D :D

even mrs moh wants a slice of it : D : D i want it too but shawn refuses to give me SOOOO WHOEVER GETS THIS IS SUPERSXZ LUCKAAEZZX MAN.

sigh its so pretty.

okay moving on,


another version of bubbles! cause shihui reserved the original :D

anyway, its so round and bubbly and horribly cute. by etienne again. ist her forte making small, simple and cute ones. SUPER CUTEXZ man. so round, you just wanna squash it!!!

9. not an ounce of RED. $8.30

cos theres not an ounce of red :D

its really green and aquamarine! it reminds me of the beach haha. ANYWAY the beads are REALLY REALLY PRETTY (: and its very faded-ish.

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2:22 AM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

titled KOREA (well, its korean inspired anyway)
see? so asian HAHAHHA.
anyway, its a really retro piece.
the koreanish charms are really pretty! coupled with cute red and blue beads sprinkling around : D
so cute.
i think the price is really worth it too : D

can wear it for racial harmony day next year!
(Freelancer and me)

dont be decepted by our lack of items today!!!
tons more coming up next : D
something to look foward to everyday!

help spread the luuuurve by telling people about our website!
see, if your friend tells her friend, who tells her friend, who tells her other friend, who happens to know paris hilton, EVERYBODY will know GAHHAHAHHAHA.
its like a social radar!
and she can start ordering something thats not once alive, instead of armidilo (its armadailloia skin shynnz :D too bad no com studs this week D: - shawn) skins for dresses and having nightmares!


3:20 AM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

hello :D
okay so i finally took the pictures.
(im finally home when its daytime see)

1. nano $6.90 SOLD (actually we gave it to sarah but thats cause shes an exception :D)its small not cause of the beads and the chain, but cause there are less beads. super cute and cheaper than most bracelets but still looks prettyyy :D

2. britney SOLD
(for non britney fans, if this offends you then its other name is b1mb1.)
not that we actually like britney but ahahhaha. :D (I DO OKAY!at least used to. until she shaved bald D:- shynn)
really girlish and pink and hearts. see britney. cause i was thinking of her sweet pink childer self. when she was wearing pink. whatever anyway yes :D

me and shynn are planning to start a series with this soooo :D watch out for it, if we really do do it in the end that is :D

3. clump SOLD.
really strawberryish and clumped. i think strawberries are clumpy. oh wait thats another random exotic fruit. okay whatever. anyway strawberries are actually lots of fruits clumped together, thats why there are so many seeds.
(Freelancer and MEE)

4. second time lucky
cause second times are just luckier. :D (yeah how true. like, really : D)
looks nice right! super nice beads esp the flowers ones :D

5. marshmallow $2.70
its another one from the etienne series! :D super cute too. :D

6. farwestflora! (SOLD)
its like libidineux, only it has heart charms and more of the purple beads. :Dreally pretty yes yes! :D

(sorry about the spelling :D ph is the new f ahahahha. ANYWAYYYYYYYY see how CUTE the thing is! super nice strawberry prints on the paper in my opinion :D i love strawberries ahahaha. and the cute wool ish purple handles :D perfect for your purchases!
another kewl part of us :D free packaging :D (its not actually that crumpled okay!)

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12:32 AM

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

hahahha. (: this series of earrings is named after ETIENNE who contributed to the design and the craftsmanship.

1. Bubbles $2.70
leaf bead, red crystalish bead, hot pink plate. blue rectangular bead, light blue crystalish thingy, blue plate. :D really cute and SIMPLICITY is cool. :D its super cheap too :D

oh and i apologise in advance for all the fugly dates in the photos.

2. cordyceps $3.00
ahahaha DO YOU NOTICE THE NAME? refer to bus stops along holland road :D
further emphasis on our unique names :D
its a vintageish kinda colour comb, really cool. :D cheap!

3. lingzhi (ALSO BUSSTOPS)
$5 SOLD mismatched pair, kinda gothish :D aha our wide range of moods and stuffs. :D two heart charms in hoops with beads. :D the hearts are really actually detailed and have intricate designs on them yeah. PERSONALLY (shawn) its my favourite of the etienne series. :D though the others are super nice too :D

yeap so thats the end of the etienne series! hope you liked it :D

soooo. on to the rest of the stuff we've come up with JUST FOR YOU! :D

4. libidineux SOLD!
MY FAVOURITE. ever. :D ahaha maybe cause i made it. but yeah all our stuff are prettay so :D i loved it so much i named it libidineux. :D remakes are available. thanks to yanping cause she wanted keychains so yeah :D really pretty (as i said), really worth it in my opinion. 3 light blue crystalike beads, blue plate, purple plate, purple bead, blue bead, really nice heart lightworks pendant and flower lightworks bead. the pendant and beads are really pretty :D adds that touch. this could go much higher but i thought of you guys :D aha. and theres a storewide sale anyway :D our opening sale yippee.

Main Entry: li·bid·i·nous
Pronunciation: -d&-n&s, -'bid-n&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin libidinosus, from libidin-, libido
1 : having or marked by lustful desires : LASCIVIOUS
- li·bid·i·nous·ly adverb
- li·bid·i·nous·ness noun

i was inspired by mariels blog, hope she doesnt mind :D

eheheh. :D

5. earth $10.10 SOLD!
really nice earth ish colours and the heart s decorated with FLOWERS! ahah nature. nature kinda theme, vintagish too. really nice with like brown skirts, hats whatevers. beige and yellow works too :D even blue :D

6.pinkisthenewblack ( :D ) SOLD

COLOURS MATCH, orange and pink DO go. :D contrary to popular belief. chunkyish and really cute! :D


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5:49 AM

Monday, August 13, 2007

yes, for all our darling customers out there, we could'nt wait to come up with new stuff for you all to browse through :D

1. ouch SOLD
$ 12.90 :O 10.90 ONLY!
i suppose you can tell by now that our names are very unique and bizarre interesting. :D
its named after how our hands felt after we painstakingly tried to put the bracelet together. D: now you see the hard work we put in our wonderful craftsmanship.
aint it pretty! :D closer look:
10 beads and one charm. its really colourful and its reflective. :D so it shines in the light.

2. lime SOLD!
like its name, this bracelet's funky and really cool. :D ahahah. its in shades of lime, turqoise, green and such.
large heart bead pendant, 9 other beads and two charms. blue bead, heart charm, small green bead, yellow circle bead, metal bead with a blue translucent middle, green bead, large heart pendant, light green circle, large yellow bead, question mark charm, grey bead, small green bead. :D
THE HEART IS REALLY PRETTY. so are the beads :D great as a gift or going out :D

closer look :

so what are you waiting for! :D
we spent a long time making these things,
so hope you guys like them!
(and theres more soon so keep checking this site :D)

some suggestions for these bracelets:
buy them for:
1. yourself :D
2. your sister :D
3. your girlfriend :D
4. your cousin :D
5. your friend :D
6. your neighbour :D
7. your mum :D
8. your aunt :D
9. your daughter :D (if you have one)
10. your classmate :D
11. your teacher :D teachers day! like soon. :D
12. your grandma (hey, you could have a cool grandma. who knows :D)
13. that total fashion disaster walking on the street
14. anyone to cheer up their day :)

ps. i strongly suggest you click on the photos for really good pics :D so you can see better. blame my lousy camera. D:


4:34 AM

Thursday, August 9, 2007

$13.90 (you can get discounts depending whether we like you or not. we accept bootlicking.)
SOLD.(which just shows how nice and popular it is)

its called motorcycle, cause its funky and cool :D

anyway we both LOVE THEM TO DEATH.

remakes are available i suppose, if you want them.

and its like, silver, so it goes with any clothing too!


SOLD.(remakes are available too, dont worry)

this ones called shesellsseashellsbytheseashore :)

a catchy name for a catchy bracelet : D

its really er..beachy(not bitchy) and pretty too!

if ya wanna order tag us babeh!

(and warn me if im scaring you off. im actually a really friendly person. really.)


8:24 PM



oneELEVEN o7
shynn &shawn

would really
really like you
you bought our stuff :)



Past Years

  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • October 2007


    Designer. JeT'aime; XiaoFei
    Shop. `PhotoShop 7.0
    Brushes. `Various
    Images. `Deviantart
    Pattern. `Jigsaw Puzzle